Across the River and Into the Trees

Ernest Hemingway


Elektronická kniha: Ernest Hemingway – Across the River and Into the Trees (jazyk: Angličtina)

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E-kniha Ernest Hemingway: Across the River and Into the Trees


A poignant tale of a revitalizing love that is found too late—the fleeting connection between an Italian countess and an injured American colonel inspires light and hope, while only darkness lies ahead.
In the fall of 1948, Ernest Hemingway made his first extended visit to Italy in thirty years. His reacquaintance with Venice, a city he loved, provided the inspiration for Across the River and into the Trees, the story of Richard Cantwell, a war-ravaged American colonel stationed in Italy at the close of the Second World War, and his love for a young Italian countess.
A bittersweet homage to love that overpowers reason, to the resilience of the human spirit, and to the world-weary beauty and majesty of Venice, Across the River and into the Trees stands as Hemingway’s statement of defiance in response to the great dehumanizing atrocities of the Second World War.

O autorovi

Ernest Hemingway

[21.7.1899-2.7.1961] Americký prozaik, žurnalista a esejista, autor moderního románu a povídky. Ernest Miller Hemingway se narodil v Oak Parku (Illinois).Psal převážně o mužích vedoucích nebezpečný způsob života (např. o vojácích, rybářích a lovcích), respektive o toreadorech provozujících býčí zápasy. Jeho díla jsou oslavou jejich odvahy, ale také sondou do jejich psychologie a do pozadí jejich skutků. Pod vlivem modernistických autorů (zejména...

Ernest Hemingway: životopis, dílo, citáty

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THE Colonel woke before daylight and checked that there was no one sleeping with him.

The wind was still blowing hard and he went to the open windows to check the weather. There was no light as yet in the east across the Grand Canal, but his eyes could see how rough the water was. Be a hell of a tide today, he thought. Probably flood the square. That’s al­ways fun. Except for the pigeons.

He went to the bathroom, taking the Herald Tribune and Red Smith with him, as well as a glass of Valpolicella. Damn I’ll be glad when the Gran Maestro gets those big fiascos, he thought. This wine gets awfully dreggy at the end.

He sat there, with his newspaper, thinking of the things of that day.

There would be the telephone call. But it might be very late because she would be sleeping late. The young sleep late, he thought, and the beautiful sleep half again as late. She certainly would not call early, and the shops did not open until nine or a little later.

Hell, he thought, I have these damned stones. How could anyone do a thing like that?

You know how, he said to himself, reading the ads in the back of the paper. You’ve put it on the line enough times. It isn’t crazy or morbid. She just wanted to put it on the line. It was a good thing it was me, he thought.

That is the only good thing about being me, he con­sidered. Well I’m me, God-damn it. For better or for much worse. How would you like to sit on the can as you have sat almost every morning of your damned life with this in your pocket?

He was addressing no one, except, perhaps, posterity.

How many mornings have you sat in the row with all the others? That’s the worst of it. That and shaving. Or you go off to be alone, and think or not think, and pick a good piece of cover and there are two riflemen there already, or some boy asleep.

There’s no more privacy in the army than in a pro­fessional shit-house. I’ve never been in a professional shit-house but I imagine they run it much the same. I could learn to run one, he thought.

Then I’d make all my leading shit-house characters Ambassadors and the unsuccessful ones could be Corps-Commanders or command military districts in peace time. Don’t be bitter, boy, he said to him…